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Главная » 2014 » Sierpień » 16 » The Illusory Islamic State: Washington’s Caliphate Project “Made in America”
The Illusory Islamic State: Washington’s Caliphate Project “Made in America”

The New ISIS Crisis in the Middle East   By Rev. Richard Skaff  Global Research, August 16, 2014

What is ISIS?

ISIS is allegedly an Al Qaeda-linked Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant, known for its ruthless tactics and suicide bombers and who currently poses a threat throughout the Middle East.3 It is also known as a militant group “Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham,” (ISIS) or the “Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” (ISIL).4 Allegedly, The Huffington Post reported that this group has declared its intent to restore the Islamic Caliphate, renaming itself as simply the Islamic State (IS) and naming a leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as Caliph.4

What are Caliphates and what is a Caliph?

According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary a Caliphate is the office or dominion of a Caliph.1 A caliph is a leader of an Islamic polity, regarded as a successor of Muhammad and by tradition always male.1 The last caliphate was held by Ottoman Turkish sultans until it was abolished by Kemal Atatürk in 1924. In addition, a caliph is the spiritual head and temporary ruler of the Islamic state. In principle, Islam is theocratic: When Muhammad died, a caliph [Arab=successor] was chosen to rule in his place. The caliph had temporal and spiritual authority but was not permitted prophetic power; this was reserved for Muhammad. The caliph could not, therefore, exercise authority in matters of religious doctrine. The first caliph was Abu Bakr.2 That explains the ISIS leader’s name “Abu Bakr” al-Baghdadi (al-Baghdadi means from Baghdad the capital of Iraq).

 What is the ISIS mission?

The declaration by ISIS to restore the Islamic Caliphate under their new caliph Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi is one of the silliest stories that have ever been sold to the gullible western public. This story sounds like a cheaply produced Hollywood movie that targets Islam and Arabs and attempts again to dehumanize them by portraying them as evil killers. Maybe, the Christian fundamentalist and previous Karate champion Chuck Norris should produce one of his low grade movies where he can eradicate all of ISIS and its caliph with his iron fist and as a result will save the taxpayers millions of dollars defending against the ISIS threat to America.


ISIS is allegedly an off-shoot of Al-Qaeda who actually was the constellation of the previous Mujahedeen fighters who were recruited as assets and trained agents for the Central Intelligence Agency and who played a key role in defeating the soviet troops during their war in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Subsequently, these well-trained mercenaries were mobilized, and utilized in every conflict where Islam is viable from Chechnya to Iraq and from Syria to Bosnia.

Logic would dictate the following conclusion:  An off-shoot of Al Qaeda/CIA and western intelligence operatives would automatically be a chip off that old block. Therefore, it is safe to presume that ISIS also belongs to the western intelligence apparatus.

However, the Caliphate concept was created and perpetuated by the intelligence agencies and by Donald Rumsfeld whom on many occasions discussed the objectives of Al Qaeda and OBL as a re-establishment of the caliphate throughout the greater Middle East. It appears that ISIS or ISIL is less ambitious than its mother-ship Al-Qaeda and will be willing to settle for a Caliphate in the Iraq and Syria for now.

Of course the key concept here is that ISIS is a Sunni Muslim sect financed by the wealthy Sunni Family-State of Saudi Arabia which also consists of an assemblage of American and British agents, in order to reestablish balance in the region after the rise of the Shiites nation of Iran. Let’s remember that intelligence agencies don’t leave any fingerprints behind, and will use their assets to do their dirty work.

As a result, the creation of an illusory ISIS state might ensue in a prearranged conflict with neighboring Iran, creating another war like the one that Saddam Hussein was encouraged and financed to launch again the Ayatollah and his Islamic State of Iran in the 1980s.

The struggle among the Muslim sects will serve into killing thousands of them and the remapping of the countries involved. Once again, the Muslim Jihad (struggle) against each other will lead to new homogeneous states such as a Sunni state, Shiite state, and Christian state in addition to other ethnic states.

Ironically, the recent killing and banishment of Christians from Iraq might also be part of the plan to transfer the Christians to their new homeland wherever that might be (possibly the Christian part of Lebanon or future Phoenicia), in order to consolidate them into

their new Christian State. As I previously mentioned in a 2011 article titled “Global warfare: Where will Obama strike next?” that preplanned conflicts lead to preplanned results.

Therefore, preplanned killing of thousands of people to induce a perceived change that best behooves the agenda of the global elite is deemed as necessary to revamp the region. Consequently, the same blood sucking parasites will continue their dominance over the planet and over weaker nations. These power vampires will proceed in their misinterpretation of Darwinism by falsely applying it to their pseudo-social doctrine that elevates their status and justifies their murderous desires. As a result of their delusional system, they are self-proclaimed as masters of the world, superpowers, and superior beings without giving enough credit to their inner sociopathic inclinations to steal, kill, and destroy in their desperate attempt to perpetuate their powers and their megalomaniacal god-like image.

The impact of ISIS on America and the world

America will become more vigilant as a result of the ISIS creation. Domestically, more government control will be enforced and implemented to allegedly reduce the risk of terrorism on the homeland and to protect the public. Meanwhile, anti-Middle-Eastern/Muslim feelings will continue to be fostered while more Muslim immigrants flock to the gates of the USA. Unfortunately, the public never understands that for every U.S. intervention in another country, the end results are more immigrants for our country.

Ironically, we currently have more Muslims living in the U.S. than we’ve ever had in the history of this nation. The people whom we bomb and destroy their homes and lives under the guise of saving them, we bring back to America as refugees to rescue them from the horrid conditions we created for them and all under the pretense of being a kind Christian nation. In addition, we use them as cheap labor, persecute them with our prejudice and racism, and classify them as dangerous and as second class citizens and humans. Per example, when we destroyed Vietnam we allowed thousands of Vietnamese to flock to our shores, and this story continues to repeat itself as we continue to exercise our domination over every corner of the world.

Since our political leaders have implied on many occasions during their political campaigns that we are a Christian nation, then, why are we trying to Islamify the United States by bringing more Muslims into our neighborhoods? Islam is a religion that Americans abhor and fear. Haven’t we realized yet that more US intervention abroad means more immigrants at home? Unfortunately, our government has deliberately financed for decades both Christian and Muslim fundamentalism across the world. 6

Furthermore, the impact of ISIS abroad would be in the realization of the Oded Yinon vision by reconstructing new and homogeneous states in the greater Middle East which will spread from the Russian Borders to the Danube River and the Balkans. All these states will be militarized, financed, and maintained by the Military Industrial Complex and the Western Intelligence Apparatus (WIA), while Israel (US proxy) will play the role of the gatekeeper and the policeman who will supervise, instigate, or exacerbate disagreements among these tiny and weak states to foster necessary conflicts and fuel constructive destruction. Co-existence and Co-living in the Middle East will be a concept of the past. Every ethnic and religious group will be consolidated with its own under new boundaries and new pseudo-democracies.

Meanwhile, the exploitation of resources in that region will continue until the area is totally depleted, impoverished, and broke, then and only then, the Middle-East will be left to die.


1.   Merriam-Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary

2. encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/caliphate

3. The Telegraph, (June 6, 2014).  Iraq crisis: what is ISIS?

4. Yasmine Hafiz, (2014). What Is A Caliphate? ISIS Declaration Raises Questions. Huffington’ post June 30, 14

5. Skaff, R, (2011). Global Warfare: Where will Obama Strike Next? “Preplanned Wars” will     lead to “Preplanned  Results” CRG, 2011.

6.   Skaff, R. (2007). The Financing of Fundamentalism, and the Antichrist. What is religious fundamentalism? Who promotes it? What purpose does it serve? And how to curtail it? CRG, 12/17/ 2007.

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