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Volcanology, Climate Change and their Consequences
All things in nature are volatile,
variability is the law of the Universe.
Whatever insularity, immobility are contrary to the laws of the Universe.

(Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Soviet Rocket scientist and pioneer of the
astronautic theory)

It is in the nature of human that he perceives the world as a certain
constant, stable, durable, and completely unchangeable, including when
it comes to the geography of the planet. However, this is nothing but
yet another prejudice. Throughout its very existence, our planet has
been changing: frequently, noticeably, and drastically. Furthermore,
enormous climat changes have been always going together with changes
of geographical landscape. It shall be noted here, that this used to
happen not only in the Paleolithic age, but in quite recent years too,
such as those of XV—XVIII centuries, sometimes within the life of one

What is the cause of such changes? First of all—the instability of the
tectonic processes of the very planet. And here the volcanological
factor appears if not as the main one, then as definitely very and
very significant. Throughout centuries, the volcanic activity appears
as a litmus test for more serious climatic or geological and
geographical motions on Earth.

In the '90–s of the XX century the world entered to another strip of
geological changes. Let's note here, that the previous strip ended in
the year of 1815, which became infamous as a year "without summer”,
which was caused by volcanic reasons. A long-terming period of lull,
which started after it, spawned the idea of stability and endurance of
the geographical landscape, and eventually leaded to the appearance of
antiscientific theories of global warming and global cooling. Without
denying the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment, let's
not exaggerate it. Climat changes, great and small ice and greenhouse
periods have been observed throughout the entire history of our

One way or another, the already coming decade will lead to fundamental
change of the face of our planet. And the harbingers of this are the
multiple volcanic eruptions on the vast area from the Pacific Ocean to

The volcanos started "talking”, and this is clear evidence of
revitalization of the tectonics already leaded to the disappearance of
an enormous part of the island country of Tuvalu and the appearance of
new volcanic islands in waters of the Indian and Arctic oceans. And
this process will continue growing: at least ten known to us islands
will disappear within the next ten years, and at least as many new
islands will appear in other parts of the globe.

But this may seem astounding only at first glance. In reality, even
during the periods of tectonical lull, this happens rather frequently.
But the human memory is so short, that after one or two generations it
becomes merely forgotten. Thus, in 1963 Surtsey Island emerged off the
Southern cost of Iceland. In the same region, in 1783 between Iceland
and Greenland rose the Nyey Island, which disappeared again in 1830.
In 1447–1450 northwestward to the volcanic archipelago of the Azores
was discovered and studied the Asmaida Island, which has even been
colonized by the Portugueses but due to tectonic shifts sunk in
1555–1556, leaving after itself the rock known as Banet, which existed
till the 1810 when it sunk too. Nowadays, this place is known as Miln

Of course, there are more recent examples too: thus, by the end of
'60–s two large islands arose near the cost of Iceland: Jólnir and
Syrtlungur with the area of more than 25 km². In the beginnings of
'70–s they submerged again. What does it mean? First of all, let's not
forget that the very Iceland is a large volcanic island, and the
probability of a similar island emerging in that region is nowadays
higher than ever. That is the tectonics of that zone; that is the
period which now we live.

Nothing unusual there is in the disappearance of islands: the antique
Port Royal, capital of Jamaica, lies on the bottom of the sea since
the 1692, and till 1960 was considered as a legend, although it was
the biggest and richest city of the West Indies. In 1875 near the cost
of the large Trinidad Island has sunk its satellite island. Finally,
on the bottom of the English Channel most likely can be found several
large islands which have been inhabited in the XIII century.

Everyone knows that Venice, this pearl of the Adriatic, gradually goes
under the water, but a few people know that this is the third city
founded by the Venetians. Spina and Metamuoco, the "mother” and
"grandmother” of Venice, are lying on the bottom on the sea. In V–VII
centuries this island cities have been prospering, and even nowadays
there can be found amphoras, utensil and columns.

Therefore, it comes to classic tendencies—tendencies of the geophysics
of Earth. The emersion of dozens of new large islands and the
disappearance of many currently existing will take place in a decade.

The volcanos also indicate the overheating of the Arctic and
Antarctic. One may argue about was was the prime cause for that, but
the fact is that even now the Arctic ice cover is ten times smaller
than it was in 1994.

The Antarctic melts. Its climat becomes more and more mild, and with a
huge probability it can be said that within the next 10–15 years the
continent's coast will become liveable, equaling the climatic
conditions of Greenland or Labrador, which would be, of course, not an
anomaly. According to several Arabic sources, the Antarctic has been
known before the XIV century, and the Southern Continent certainly had
more warm climate. There is nothing unusual in that, as in the same
ages the Scandinavian seamen discovered Newfoundland and Labrador,
naming them "Vínland”—country of wine. The small Ice Age, which lasted
since the 1300–s, ended only in the XVIII century.

Therefore, the planet simly enters to a new season of its geological
year. Like the summer is being changed by fall and fall by winter,
changes the geological and geographical map of Earth.

© Dr Ilya Pakhomov
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Пахомов (09.12.2012)
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