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«  Grudzień 2013  »
Главная » 2013 » Grudzień » 26
Posted on Dec 22, 2013
By Ellen Brown, Web of Debt
This piece first appeared at Web of Debt.
December 23, 2013, marks the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve, warranting a review of its performance.  Has it achieved the purposes for which it was designed?
The answer depends on whose purposes we are talking about.  For the banks, the Fed has served quite well.  For the laboring masses whose populist movement prompted it, not much has changed in a century.
Thwarting Populist Demands
The Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 in response to a wave of bank crises, which had hit on average every six years over a ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 701 | Dodał: Pekok | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

Евгений Новиков 00:05, 24.12.2013
Гендиректор Агентства стратегических инициатив (АСИ) Андрей Никитин до 17 февраля должен подготовить список чиновников, тормозящих реализацию «дорожных карт». Об этом говорится в протокольном поручении премьер-министра Дмитрия Медведева (имеется в распоряжении РБК daily).
«Примите меры по своевременному выполнению планов мероприятий («дорожных карт») национальной предпринимательской инициативы по улучшению инвестиционного климата... и рассмотрите вопрос о привлечении к дисциплинарной ответственности должностных лиц, не обеспечивших их своевременное исполнение», — говорится в документе, датированном 19 декабря. В самом АСИ от комментариев отказались.
Реализация «дорожных карт» стала одной из главных тем едва ли не всех последних экономических совещаний у президента и премьера. Самые большие претензии у них вызывало ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 586 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

25 grudnia 2013
Moskwa przekaże w przyszłym roku Mińskowi dwa miliardy dolarów pożyczki. 39,5 miliarda dolarów zainwestowało już na Białorusi dwa tysiące rosyjskich przedsiębiorców. Takie są wymierne skutki ekonomiczne konfederacji obu państw.
Prezydent Aleksander Łukaszenko oficjalnie podziękował Władymirowi Putinowi za współpracę i pomoc. Według Euroazjatyckiej Komisji Gospodarczej, Białoruś zajmuje obecnie pierwsze miejsce w handlu zagranicznym Rosji z krajami WNP (jest też piątym partnerem gospodarczym Rosji w ogóle). Na różnym etapie zaawansowania są kolejne wspólne przedsięwzięcia – jak powstanie do 2020 r. nowej elektrowni atomowej na Białorusi, czy połączenie KAMAZ-a i MAZ-a w jeden holding Ros ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 541 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

By Max Fisher    
December 24 at 11:25 am
"If I defected at all," former NSA contractor Edward Snowden told The Washington Post's Barton Gellman in an interview in Moscow, "I defected from the government to the public."
Snowden returned several times to this distinction, between the U.S. government and its public, to argue that if he had worked against the former, it was only in service of the latter and the higher ideals it represents. On its face, this is a reasonable position and certainly consistent with how Snowden has framed his decision to leak U.S. secrets to the world.
At a deeper level, though, Snowden's language and his descri ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 712 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

Video: Post reporter Barton Gellman discusses how his exclusive interview with Edward Snowden came about and whether the former NSA contractor would ever want to return to the United States.
By Barton Gellman, Published: December 24  2013
MOSCOW — The familiar voice on the hotel room phone did not waste words.
"What time does your clock say, exactly?” he asked.
New photos of Edward Snowden: The former NSA contractor’s leaks have altered the U.S. government’s ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 704 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

 Monday, December 23rd, 2013 | Posted by Gilad Atzmon
Shameless former Labour MP Denis MacShane, who infamously operated for more than a decade as the kosher police within the British parliament was thrown into jail today.
MacShane has been put behind bars for six months for expenses fraud after admitting to submitting 19 fake receipts amounting to £12,900.
Mr Justice Sweeney said at court today that MacShane had "deliberately created misleading and deceptive invoices” with the "considerable” dishonesty involved.
MacShane, 65, was a Labour MP for 18 years. Along that time he has managed to chair the inquiry panel of the All-Party Parlia ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 642 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

 14 December, 17:40
In his annual state-of-the-nation address to the Federal Assembly earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin laid emphasis on social, economic and home policy problems. The Russian leader was especially emotional when discussing the moral health of society and Russia's role in the modern-day world.
He delivered his address on Constitution Day, December 12th, when Russians marked 20 years since the adoption of the constitution. Putin said the constitutional provisions determining the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are unchangeable, even though some pinpoint changes may and should be made ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 609 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

12/16/2013 @ 8:30AM
Perhaps Edward Snowden’s hoodie should have raised suspicions.
The black sweatshirt sold by the civil libertarian Electronic Frontier Foundation featured a parody of the National Security Agency’s logo, with the traditional key in an eagle’s claws replaced by a collection of AT&T cables, and eavesdropping headphones covering the menacing bird’s ears. Snowden wore it regularly to stay warm in the air-conditioned underground NSA Hawaii Kunia facility known as "the tunnel.”
His coworkers assumed it was meant ironically. And a geek as gifted as Snowden could get away with a few irregularities.
Introducing ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 647 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

Why treason charges against the NSA whistleblower don't hold up
By Philip Giraldi • July 16, 2013
There are a number of narratives  being floated by the usual suspects to attempt to demonstrate that Edward Snowden is a traitor who has betrayed secrets vital to the security of the United States. All the arguments being made are essentially without merit. Snowden has undeniably violated his agreement to protect classified information, which is a crime. But in reality, he has revealed only one actual secret that matters, which is the United States government’s serial violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution through its collection of personal information on millions of innocent American citizens without any probable ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 636 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

05 December 2013 | Issue 5271
By Edward Lozansky
There is hardly any serious political observer who would not agree that a couple of months ago President Vladimir Putin saved the U.S. from yet another disastrous military adventure in Syria. Now Putin has saved Europe from the huge economic, financial and perhaps even political nightmares that could have resulted had the European Union signed its proposed Association Agreement with Ukraine.
Following the uproar in the West over Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's "anti-EU and pro-Russian demarche," the Western political elite and media pundits have had a field day, explaining the unexpected turn of events by conjuring up nefarious mach ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 612 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

By: Patrick J. Buchanan   
12/17/2013 09:40 AM
Is Vladimir Putin a paleoconservative?
In the culture war for mankind’s future, is he one of us?
While such a question may be blasphemous in Western circles, consider the content of the Russian president’s state of the nation address.
With America clearly in mind, Putin declared, "In many countries today, moral and ethical norms are being reconsidered.”
"They’re now requiring not only the proper acknowledgment of freedom of conscience, political views and private life, but also the mandatory acknowledgment of the equality of good and evil.”
Translation: While privacy and freedom of thought, religion and speech are cherished rights, to equate traditional marriage and same-sex marriage is to equ ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 698 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

 "Human events”, США - 17 декабря 2013 г.
"Is Putin one of us?"
Автор: Патрик Бьюкенен
Переводчик: Владислав Краснов
Нельзя ли зачислить Владимира Путина в палеоконсерваторы? Разве в культурной войне за будущее человечества он не один из нас?
Сама постановка вопроса может показаться кощунственной в западных кругах. Но давайте взглянем на содержание Послания Президента Путина Федеральному Собранию.
«Сегодня во многих странах пересматриваются нормы морали и нравственности, стираются национальные традиции и различия наций и культур», говорится в Послании.
«От общества теперь требуют не только здравого признания права каждого на свободу совести, политических взглядов и частной жизни, но и обязательного признания равноценности, как это не покажется странным, добра и зла, противоположных по смыслу понятий».
При всём уважении к правам на ча ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 626 | Dodał: lesnoy | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

My, Naród Polski, Obywatele Rzeczypospolitej
w sprawie wyborów powszechnych
Obywatelskiego Zgromadzenia Narodowego
zgodnie z: Konstytucją RP
art. 4 o sprawowaniu przez naród władzy bezpośredniej
art. 82 o wierności dla Rzeczypospolitej i trosce obywatela o dobro wspólne
art. 85 o obowiązku obrony Ojczyzny
Kodeksem Karnym art. 25 o obronie koniecznej ogłasza się
Wybory Powszechne Bezpośrednie do Obywatelskiego Zgromadzenia Narodowego (OZN)
Prawo i obowiązek wyborów do OZN przysługuje wszystkim obywatelom RP powyżej 18-go roku życia. Obywatele
w wyborach do OZN uczestniczą bezpośrednio.
Obywatel może udzielić pełnomocnictwa/mandatu swojemu pełnomocnikowi do reprezentacji inte ... Czytaj więcej »
Wyświetleń: 696 | Dodał: Pekok | Data: 26.12.2013 | Komentarze (0)

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